Hello Church,
We live in interesting times! Here are some notes about how we plan to operate during the coronavirus lockdown.
1) For now we will not be holding Sunday services at the church’s building. The Sunday service will be livestreamed online. More info to come soon on how we’ll do that and how to participate.
2) Thursday evening prayer group is still planning to meet.
3) Now is the time for the church in Muscatine to be the church! Let’s be the hands and feet of Christ to as many people as we can. Let’s check on our neighbors, check on our enemies, run errands, get groceries, watch kids, donate food and whatever else we can think of to be helpful to others.
4) Let’s look out for each other! Go to livingwatermuscatine.com/directory to learn how to access the church directory.
5) You can still give your tithes and offerings by giving online: livingwatermuscatine.com/give
6) Finally, remember Christ’s words, “Take courage, I have overcome the world.” Let’s inspire others to COURAGE by EN-COURAGING people, and pointing them towards the Overcomer.