We’re reading a book together and discussing it. The book is called Tell Someone, by Greg Laurie. Bethany is leading us by posting a weekly discussion guide video.
Bethany is posting these videos weekly, both here and in the Church of the Living Water Members and Friends group on Facebook.
Feel free to comment either here or on Facebook!
Chapters 1 and 2 Discussion
Chapters 3 and 4 Discussion
Chapters 5 and 6 Discussion
Chapters 7 and 8 Discussion
Chapters 9 and 10 Discussion
This is the final week of the study. Thanks for participating!
And thank you Bethany for leading us!
I love that I get to do this book study with a new group of people and we to get to encourage one another to tell the Good News!
I noticed that Greg Laurie’s pathway to getting saved was marked by watching and observing from afar the “Jesus Freaks,” at his school who were bold about living their faith. He was intrigued at how they were loving Jesus and declaring it publicly.
If we ask God to use us, He will. It feels good to obey God’s command and to say yes to his call. Of course we will feel scared, awkward, out of place, tired, unprepared, and all sorts of negative emotions, but we need to rely on God’s power. It draws us in further and we become more aware of God’s presence and power. He is so awesome! I am gaining so much encouragement from reading this book as a group and hearing your comments.
On page 17, Laurie says, “Sharing of one’s faith starts with a concern, a burden.” It reminded me of a song lyric, “So give us eyes to see the hurting and the broken and let our lives align with every word You say…. cause we know our world needs Jesus.” That is from the song, “World Needs Jesus” by River Valley Worship. Nice song.
I am posting this and I hope it works!
Marciana, thank you for your comment! I agree that being aware of our own weakness in this area just makes us that much more aware of God’s power as we rely on Him! We are so happy to have you in this study! (For those of you who don’t know Marciana, she is a friend of mine from West Liberty and the mom of one of Lili’s closest friends, Rachel.)
Thanks for the post. I am enjoying this book a lot.
Mr. Laurie mentioned the importance of living the Christian life to make our witness credible. I agree with his point but see a caution here. All of us are “on the way” and we never get where we feel we should be. So we need to not let our rough edges keep us from sharing the gospel. I think the devil can be there saying “who are you to say anything about this?” At times like this I think we just grab on to God’s grace and forgiveness and reach out anyway.
I also felt challenged by his thoughts about our need to have new Christians around us. They breathe new life into our own Christian life. The new Christians challenge us and get us thinking about others and how we can encourage them instead of thinking too much about ourselves and our own needs. So I see a need for more new believers in my life. I hope I am up to the challenge.
Good comment, Dad. I agree with you that we shouldn’t worry about having the “perfect” witness. In fact, I think that trying to appear like we have it all together can actually diminish our witness. Some of the hypocrisy that nonbelievers perceive in the Church may be because we are trying to look like we’re doing everything right instead of being honest about where we are. People are attracted to authenticity, not perfection.
I was struck by his “God drawer” where he kept every piece of religious literature that anyone ever gave him and he would pull it out every so often to try to make sense of it. When he saw the “Jesus freaks” he would look at them scornfully, almost defying them to stop and talk to him. People got scared off but if they timidly gave him a tract he would take it. Underneath the hard surface he was hoping someone would talk to him about God. Wow, Jesus said to not judge by appearances and this is one good example of that. People who don’t seem even remotely interested really often are.
I thought that was really interesting, too! It’s a great reminder that God may be working under the surface of even the people who appear most resistant to the gospel!
I got so interested in Greg’s short testimony in the introduction that we ordered his book “Lost Boy.” Really inspiring. He had a childhood he wouldn’t wish on anyone and yet he recognizes that is what God is using to help him connect with people. What about us? Is there pain or a tragic event that we wish had never happened? One minister said “don’t waste your pain.” It’s hard to share painful experiences and maybe we shouldn’t share these indiscriminately. But at least those life experiences can help us relate to the pain of others. God does really “work all things together for good.”
I enjoyed this book and thanks for the group!
It just gets me thinking about this again and I needed that. He said that if we open our mouths “not everyone will respond positively but some will; probably more than we think.” I also am thinking about his remarks about “closing the deal.” Not just telling people about Jesus but asking for a response.
I think this will continue to be a challenge but I’m willing to try.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this book study and I want it to continue! Is there another follow up we can do? Bethany, you should lead another study. I am planning on buying the Bible that Greg Laurie helped to make for new believers because I think it will help me and also help the new believers I find. This book, Tell Someone, is a simple and yet very powerful book because it covers so much about sharing the Good News. It has been a blessing to read this together and to be drawn in to reading the Bible more focusing on these stories and verses that Laurie has cited. It has caused me to be examining myself in regard to evangelism and areas I need to surrender to God. I have a sense of giddiness about putting it into action. I just want to be open and waiting with great expectation for the next opportunity that God provides.
I can’t stop thinking about my Uncle Franklin, who has passed away now, but he was a very strong evangelist. He was not shy about sharing his faith and he brought many to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. He had a powerful testimony and love for Jesus that resonated with many of his clients in the Philippines ( he was a hair and makeup artist for the actors and actresses in the Philippines). You may imagine the worldly lifestyle he was exposed to. He also had a huge burden of caring for my elderly grandparents and his mentally ill sister who thankfully all are in Heaven now with no sorrow and no suffering. My Uncle was very burdened and desperate and he surrendered his life to God. I can see how this favorite verse is evident in his life, Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” My Uncle Franklin would look at the empty chairs in the church and say, these need to be filled. He challenged others that if there are two empty chairs next to you, you need to invite two people next week. There was an urgency to him. I want to have that urgency.
I know that I have a different personality and different story than my Uncle so our evangelism will look different in some ways. At this point I am more working on my own kids and family. I guess the part where I might hold back is in sharing testimony , or my story. It can feel too personal or make you feel too vulnerable. There is a risk of putting yourself out there for people to judge or criticize , etc. and I am not exactly sure what I would say. Laurie does have good guidance on this. So, that is an area for me to ask God for help with. The verse that I keep thinking about in regards to that is Romans 12:1 “Therefore I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship.” Is this great commission part of offering our bodies as a living sacrifice? Is letting go of my shyness or fears of what others will think of me in order to bridge others to Christ part of offering myself as a living sacrifice? I am thinking it is. I thank God that he can help us with all of this and all that seems impossible!
Side note: I didn’t realize until today that my first post (Done through this email) actually made it through and that others had posted here as well! I thought it hadn’t worked until now I see that it did! It is so good to read your thoughts and insights. It was a fun format, easy to do with three ways of responding.
Final Verse for tonight that I love that Laurie refers to on p. 100 about how powerful is God’s Word, Isaiah 55:10-11. “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
Let’s keep reading God’s Word and planting it in our hearts!